Fund savings by sustainability classification (quarterly)

The member companies of the Swedish Investment Fund Association report quarterly statistics on new savings and net assets of funds, broken down by sustainability classification. These statistics are published approximately one month after the end of each quarter.

As of March 2021, funds are to be classified according to the EU sustainable finance disclosure regulation. According to the rules funds that promote environmental or social conditions are to be classified as article 8 (”light green”). Funds with sustainable investments as its objective are to be classified as article 9 (”dark green”). 

Scroll down for Excel-files with the latest statistics.

Scope of the statistics

The figures are collected on a quarterly basis and show fund savings in Sweden for funds marketed in Sweden by fund companies that are members of the Swedish Investment Fund Association. For premium pension savings this is complemented by non-members. Both Sweden- and foreign-domiciled funds are included. The statistics show fund sales in Sweden, while sales abroad are excluded. The figures show net sales, assets and number of funds divided on fund type and the following categories:

Funds with sustainable investment as its objective (dark green):

Funds that are SFDR article 9-funds according to the fund company.

Funds that promote environmental or social characteristics (light green):

Funds that are SFDR article 8-funds according to the fund company.

Other funds:

Funds that are neither dark green nor light green.
(A fund can only belong to one category.)

Fund savings by sustainability classification, 2024

Fund savings by sustainability classification, 2023

Fund savings by sustainability classification, 2022