Fund savings by category (quarterly statistics)

The member companies of the Swedish Investment Fund Association report quarterly statistics on new savings and net assets of funds, broken down by savings category. These statistics are published approximately one month after the end of each quarter.

Scroll down for yearly and quarterly reports, and for Excel files with up-to-date statistics. 

Scope of the survey

The data is collected quarterly and includes funds marketed and sold in Sweden by fund management companies who are members of the Swedish Investment Fund Association. The statistics show fund sales in Sweden, while sales abroad are excluded. Both Sweden- and foreign-registered funds are included. Sjunde AP-fonden is included for premium pension savings. From 2006, all premium pension savings, including from fund management companies that are not members of the Association, is included. Reinvested dividends are not included in net savings, as of 2006. The data shows net savings and funds’ net assets, broken down by fund type and (savings) category.

Discrepancies between the Association’s monthly and quarterly statistics are usually due to the fact that the monthly statistics have a slightly better coverage than the quarterly ones. 

The presentation is broken down into three different categories: 

Households’ direct savings

Direct savings in funds by private persons.

Fund savings in Investment Savings Accounts (ISK)

Private persons’ fund savings in Investment Savings Accounts[1], pursuant to the Swedish Investment Savings Accounts Act (2011:1268). (Reported separately as of 2014. Previously reported under Households’ direct savings.)

Individual Pension Savings (IPS)

Private persons’ individual pension savings, pursuant to the Swedish Individual Pension Savings Act (1993:931).

Unit-linked insurance

Swedish financial companies’ investments that are life assurance linked, pursuant to the Swedish Law on Life Assurance linked to funds of movable assets(1989:1079). The unit-linked insurance category includes private pension savings, occupational pension savings, and endowment insurance.   

Premium pension savings

Private persons’ holdings of fund units for premium pensions, pursuant to the Swedish Income-based Old-Age Pension Act (1998:674).

Nominee-registered fund units

This category includes savings where the fund units are registered with banks, securities companies and financial service companies[2]. These are assumed to be nominee-registered. (Reported separately as of 2014. Previously reported under Swedish corporations.)

Households’ non-profit organisations

Non-profit organisations that are not market producers and which serve the household sector in order to promote and protect households’ interests, or which engage in humanitarian activities. This includes political parties, employee and trade organisations, the Church of Sweden, free churches, and sporting associations. 

Swedish corporations

This category includes both financial and non-financial companies. It also includes, amongst others, tenant-owner associations, co-operative economic associations, housing foundations, State-owned companies and public service companies. (Banks, securities companies, and financial service companies are reported under nominee-registered fund units, as of 2014.) 

Other sectors

This category includes the social insurance sector, municipalities, county councils, stakeholder organisations, and other municipality-controlled institutions. It also includes Swedish holders who cannot be classified in one of the above-mentioned groupings, persons resident abroad or companies located abroad that have financial relationships with Sweden.  

[1] Please note that this only applies in cases where fund management companies and ISK institutions are members of the same corporate group. Other fund management companies have the financial company that offers ISKs as counterparty and are hence not cognisant of the type of savings concerned. These savings are consequently categorised as “nominee-registered fund units”, along with other nominee-registered fund savings.  

[2] Please note that this applies in cases where fund management companies and banks do not form part of the same corporate group. If they do form part of the same corporate group, the fund units can usually be spread over all categories. 

Statistics showing fund savings and net assets of funds by category              

Fund saving by category 2024

Fund saving by category 2023

Fund savings by category 2000-2023

Fund saving by category 2022

Fund saving by category 2021

Fund saving by category 2020

Fund savings by category 2019

Fund savings by category 2018

Fund savings by category 2017

Fund savings by category 2016

Fund savings by category 2015

Fund savings by category 2014

Fund savings by category 2013

Fund savings by category 2012

Fund savings by category 2011

Fund savings by category 2010 

Fund savings by category 2009

Fund savings by category 2008

Fund savings by category 2007

Fund savings by category 2006

Fund savings by category 2005

Fund savings by category 2004

Fund savings by category 2003

Fund savings by category 2002

Fund savings by category 2001

Fund savings by category 2000