Guidelines for Key Ratio Accounting of Swedish UCITS and special funds

Adopted by the Board of Directors of the Swedish Investment Fund Association on 2nd December 2002 and revised most recently on 11th September 2023.

The regulation (FFFS 2013:9) issued by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority includes accounting directives for Swedish UCITS (The Swedish UCITS Act).

Chapt. 31, § 50 of the regulation stipulates that Swedish UCITS shall specify certain key ratios in the Directors’ Report. The Swedish Investment Fund Association has complemented the regulation with guidelines relating to key ratios for Swedish UCITS and special funds.

The Swedish Investment Fund Association’s guidelines for the accounting of key ratios with regard to Swedish UCITS and special funds are intended both to ensure that the information fulfils a given minimum standard and to enable investors to make comparisons between funds. The member companies are urged to state, in their comments to the annual report or half-yearly report, whether they have been obliged to deviate from the guidelines in one or more respects.

Guidelines for Key Ratio Accounting of Swedish UCITS and special funds (pdf 695kB)