The Swedish Investment Fund Association gives its members the chance to help influence the conditions under which the investment fund industry operates, both in Sweden and elsewhere in Europe. Our members have access to a broad network, to in-depth expertise in the investment funds sector, and to seminars, publications, information, statistics and reports produced by the Association. The Association’s member companies currently represent about 90 per cent of the Swedish market’s net fund assets.
Full membership
Membership of the Swedish Investment Fund Association means that you undertake to comply with the Association’s statutes, and with the decisions taken by the Association’s AGM and Board of Directors. Full members must comply with the Association’s guidelines and Code of Conduct. Membership should be seen as a hallmark of quality.
The following companies can apply for membership:
- Swedish fund management companies and managers of alternative investment funds
- foreign fund management companies and managers of alternative investment funds engaged in investment fund operations or the marketing of funds in Sweden
- parent companies of corporate groups covered by points 1 and 2 above
- Swedish and foreign securities institutions that manage funds marketed in Sweden on commission
Associate membership
The Swedish Investment Fund Association wants to be the hub of investment fund operations in Sweden and consequently regards bringing on board operators who contribute to the investment fund sector’s operations as an asset. There are numerous different operators with these kinds of links to the investment fund sector, such as fund marketplaces, fund administrators, system providers, consultants, audit and accountancy firms, and legal firms. Which is why, since 2012, we have offered the option of associate membership.
Discussions with industry colleagues
Participating in the Association’s various working groups gives you the chance to discuss current issues with industry colleagues and to help shape the industry’s position on these issues.
Influence EU regulation
Regulation in the investment funds sector is increasingly taking place at EU level. The Association works actively and extensively to ensure involvement at an early stage in this process. Our work and engagement with the industry’s Brussels-based trade organisation, the European Fund and Asset Management Association, EFAMA, gives our members access to valuable know-how and an extensive contact network, and the ability to influence investment fund-related issues across Europe. Our international collaboration also takes the form of our involvement with the global organisation, The International Investment Funds Association, IIFA.
Current investment fund issues in our newsletter
Our newsletter, “Fondbladet” (Fund News), gives the Association’s members access to regular member-exclusive and in-depth information on current investment fund issues. All members can, of course, also put questions to the Association and access extensive expertise in such areas as statistics, legal issues, and fund marketing.
The Association also organises seminars on current issues which our members can take part in, free of charge or at a reduced price. Our annual Fund Day is a very well-attended and popular event amongst our members.
Membership of the Swedish Investment Fund Association gives you:
access to the Association’s combined expertise
the opportunity to influence the industry’s self-regulation through participation in discussions of the way in which the recommendations should be structured
the opportunity to influence the industry’s future strategy and operations through participation in expert groups
the opportunity to initiate issues that the Association can promote in its capacity of trade association
access to the Association’s statistics, market analyses, studies, and surveys
access to an exclusive network for contacts and information exchange
access to an international contact network
invitations to the Association’s seminars and training courses
continuous updates on current issues, e.g. through our newsletter, “Fund News”